Machetes and adventures in first aid
So I was at Sportsman's Warehouse the other day and noticed that they had some SOG machetes in stock. After reading Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late
I was convinced that I needed a machete. I've always been content with my camp saw and hatchet. In my neck of the woods, though, there isn't a whole lot of underbrush to worry about hacking my way through. Hatchets are cheap but they're also heavy and bulky and most camp saws are cheap pieces of crap. Enter the SOG.

It's got a standard machete blade shape with a saw on the back. The factory blade is quite sharp. I can verify this with the gash that it left in my left index finger when I carelessly slid it into it's sheath.

The saw teeth are also offset like your standard hand saw so it will actually cut wood if you need it to. It's got a full tang with three lanyard holes in the handle. The sheath is functional. Just don't slice your finger open when you sheath the blade like I did. For the price it seems like a good deal. I haven't put it to real use yet but it's a machete. I don't expect it to do much besides cut through shit. I've handled a lot of them and this is about as good as it gets at the price point. It seems durable, the edge is sharp and the saw blade on the back is actually functional. If you're in the market for a machete then I'd take a look at this one. For the price I just don't see how you could beat it.

It's got a standard machete blade shape with a saw on the back. The factory blade is quite sharp. I can verify this with the gash that it left in my left index finger when I carelessly slid it into it's sheath.

The saw teeth are also offset like your standard hand saw so it will actually cut wood if you need it to. It's got a full tang with three lanyard holes in the handle. The sheath is functional. Just don't slice your finger open when you sheath the blade like I did. For the price it seems like a good deal. I haven't put it to real use yet but it's a machete. I don't expect it to do much besides cut through shit. I've handled a lot of them and this is about as good as it gets at the price point. It seems durable, the edge is sharp and the saw blade on the back is actually functional. If you're in the market for a machete then I'd take a look at this one. For the price I just don't see how you could beat it.
An emergency first-aid measure that I will be posting about soon on Bug Out Survival is the old woodsman's trick of using thick pine sap to seal a wound. It saved me once with a cut that normally would have required stitches. Healed cleaner than any cut I've ever had too.
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