Fun With Buckets: The Wine Press
So I decided to press my blueberry wine. The berries have been sitting in a bucket for a week now so it was time. I don't have an actual wine press so I decided to just make a ghetto press out of some buckets. It's pretty easy, actually. You just need two buckets. One has to have a bunch of little holes in the bottom. Put the grapes/berries/fruit/whatever inside of a 5 gallon nylon paint strainer bag in the first bucket. Put the bucket with the holes in it on top of that. SLOWLY push down on the bucket with the holes and let the juice drain into it. If you go to fast it will just spill out over the sides of the bottom bucket. Not pretty. Ask me how I know. Once you've pushed the top bucket down as much as you can just pour the juice into your fermenter. Pictures speak a thousand words.
Here's the first bucket with the berries in a bag.

And here's the bucket with a bunch of little holes drilled into the bottom.

And here's the finished product after you press the berries and you get it into the fermenter.

We'll see how it turns out. I have high hopes. I figure it will be at least 6 months before I crack a bottle. I'll keep you all updated.
Here's the first bucket with the berries in a bag.

And here's the bucket with a bunch of little holes drilled into the bottom.

And here's the finished product after you press the berries and you get it into the fermenter.

We'll see how it turns out. I have high hopes. I figure it will be at least 6 months before I crack a bottle. I'll keep you all updated.