I'm sick of this racism crap
I don't understand why a racist black person today is perfectly acceptable. Black people were slaves a couple hundred years ago. I get it. For years they didn't have civil rights. I understand. In this day and age they don't have a leg to stand on, though. I do understand why some of the older guys still cling so desperately to their antiquated world views and beliefs. Some of them actually experienced what it was like. What they don't understand is that, as a nation, we got over it years ago. Black people have every advantage in today's society. Obama is a perfect example of that. But "equality" isn't good enough for these people. By "these people" I don't mean blacks in general. I mean the black nationals who believe that this nation still owes us something for the plights of their ancestors. They want to play on white guilt to ensure and expand the advantages that they've "earned". They get to play the victim card whenever they get into a situation that they don't like.
Now we've got the President of the United States supporting that view. He's perpetuating it and encouraging them. Mark my words. This guy learned a thing or two while sitting in the pews of Reverend Wright's church. A lot of these people are delusional conspiracy theorists. Others just realize that they can capitalize on this whole state of mind to gain influence and wealth. Just look at guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. We let them run wild and play the race card wherever they go. Others see what they're accomplishing and that they're getting away with it. Now black people everywhere know that they can just play that card to get what they want. Martin Luthor King would be rolling over in his grave if he knew that the movement that he basically started had devolved into this boondoggle.
Now we've got the President of the United States supporting that view. He's perpetuating it and encouraging them. Mark my words. This guy learned a thing or two while sitting in the pews of Reverend Wright's church. A lot of these people are delusional conspiracy theorists. Others just realize that they can capitalize on this whole state of mind to gain influence and wealth. Just look at guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. We let them run wild and play the race card wherever they go. Others see what they're accomplishing and that they're getting away with it. Now black people everywhere know that they can just play that card to get what they want. Martin Luthor King would be rolling over in his grave if he knew that the movement that he basically started had devolved into this boondoggle.
When you spend all of your time looking for racism you will find it whether it exists or not.
Thinking people will always judge a man by who he really is. Fools will judge a person by a mere glance.
For example, Jesus Christ was dressed like a bum. Barney Madoff wore tailor made business suits. Who would police have harassed and jailed on trumped up charges? We all know the answer to that.
Black, white, yellow, red, judge the man and the deeds not color, religion, social status etc. Show me a racist and I'll show you a fool.
The funny thing is, genetic testing has shown that nearly all of us are mutts - even skin heads often have a good percentage of black blood! There has been alot of "fence jumping" throughout human history.
We are in reality one race. The human race.
Ken...maybe your right. Then again, most of the times that I was hassled I was a kid in the army. Many of my friends suffered the same treatment whether they were black, white, hispanic or asian. Now that I'm older and wiser I realize that certain actions and decisions attract that kind of attention. You'll never hear from your son why he's being messed with.
I don't think that Obama is a racist. I believe that he's surrounded himself with racists and has spent his life listening to other people tell him how badly they've been treated by the man. That's turned him into an idealist where he believes that he's got to do something about a problem that no longer exists. Have you ever heard him describe an anecdote where he was "hassled" by the man? Maybe he has. Then again, it's common knowledge that he was a drug using partier all the way through college. He's been described as the guy who could go to a party, get trashed, go home and write an A paper that was due the next day. For years he was a community organizer and we all know that having run ins with the cops is part of the job description.
Even the race warlord Jesse Jackson admits that when someone is walking down the street behind him at night he is relieved if it is a white guy.
My thanks to your son for his service. If more young men had his motivation, ethics, etc. then the suspicion would go away.
Open Minded, it's not laziness, it's narrowing the field or looking for a target rich environment or whatever is the catchphrase of the day. A white guy driving in a predominantly black neighborhood at night has a high probability of being there looking to buy drugs while there is little chance he is on his way to a job or that he lives there, so he gets more attention.
But... it's not up to YOU to decide if we're over it or not. It's not your wound to get over. So to make a statement that we "got over it", that's completely false.
Clearly, we aren't over it. If we were over it, then there would be no credence to Mr. Gates complaint, and it would be a non-issue.
Re-read what Ken said in comment #2. You're not black, you don't know what it's like. I'm not black either, so *I* don't know what it's like, but I at least have the common sense to realize that I can't say whether or not racism is dead when I am part of the majority.
Usually, I agree with the things you write, but this statement just bugs the hell out of me. It's not YOURS to get over.
We're not quite as color blind as you think.
Black people get worse healthcare than whites. Black people pay higher interest in mortgages than whites. Black people pay more for auto insurance. Black babies die more often. The list goes on. 1/3 of black men are involved in the criminal justice system. Black people can't even catch a cab.
If you have black friends you should ask them about their experiences.
Please stop making a race issue out of a socio-economic one.
Also, I've been pulled over for DWB and I attribute it to stupidity, nothing more.
My woman is an engineer with outstanding credentials, but couldn't even get a job interview in certain towns.
Racism is alive in this country. White people just have the privilege of either ignoring it or being oblivious to it.
Two Points
One. Racist people exist in all classes and colors. Here, we are talking about black/white relations. As a white person, you never have to worry that the white majority (or any particular white person) dislikes you because you are white. As a black person you always ask yourself that question. Not necessarily because you want to, but because you simply just don't know. You never know if a white person dislikes you because your black, or for a legitimate reason. You never know if someone is judging you because you are black, or for some legitimate reason. You never know what role, if any, you blackness plays in the way you are perceived and judged. It's not necessarily that you look for racism. Rather, racism has existed for a long time and continues to exist-- so you never really know if and when you might be dealing with it. Most people wont walk up to you and say "hey nigger, I dont like you because you're black". But that doesn't mean they aren't racist and wont judge you, treat you differently, think negative thinks about etc because youre black.
People act like because slavery is over and segregation is over that everything is magically fixed. It baffles me that full-grown adults actually entertain this ridiculous notion. Consider an analogy. If someone breaks your arm in one place it may take several weeks or months to heal. If someone breaks your arm in 2 or 3 places it will take even longer. But lets say someone doesn't just break your arm...they beat you to the brink of death, break every bone in your body, put you in a coma. Even with the best medical care and the best rehabilitative efforts, how long will it take to heal from that beating? It will take more than a week, or a month, or even a year. It will take several years. And may injuries will NEVER fully heal. You will be injured forever. Well, in the scope of human events, slavery, jim-crow, segregation, and institutionalized racism are the equivalent to a major ass-whooping on the black race and on American society in general. We may have healed somewhat. But to think that we are totally healed is foolish, short-sighted, and ignorant.