Results start when you do

After a few weeks of working out at my gym I posted up some before and after shots on facebook. I had lost about 20 pounds and the results were very noticeable. One of my coaches made a comment that kinda stood out to me. "Results start when you do." I'd known the guy for a few years. Every time I saw him I'd tell him that I was going to start training at his gym. Money was always too tight or I couldn't find the time. Finally, I decided to stop making excuses and just did it. Once I started going finding time was easy and it went from seeming really expensive to being a total steal.

So how does it pertain to preparedness? That statement can be applied to just about anything. Whether you're planning on starting a food storage plan, getting serious about paying down debt or just learning a new skill it's easy to make excuses and procrastinate. You've got to start doing it and stick to your plan or you'll never get results. Once you start doing it it's never as hard as you had convinced yourself it would be. If it's worth your time and money you'll find the time and money to keep doing it.


millenniumfly said…
We are usually our biggest roadblocks to anything positive. Thanks for the thoughts.
For me the 1st minute of any task is the hardest, after I get that minute out of the way I can usually get a lot done.
I also wanted to thank you for your beer posts giving me the kick to do my own brewing. I started with LME and some basic Ale recipes, but they have done quite well and it's a lot of fun. Next will be a couple of Lager recipes, got a great local supplier for ingredients and my neighbors liked my Amber Ale so much they are looking to brew as well.
Add brewing to the list of things that you should just go ahead and learn how to do rather than put off. I haven't done it in a while but I have the equipment and the knowhow just in case I want to fire up the old brewery again.
Mike H said…
I really like that..."results start when you do." So the message is clear, get off your duff and get prepared!
Its quite obvious, you get the results, only if you sweat for them.

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