Sorry it's been so quiet

With everything that's going on in the world and in the economy this is probably the worst time to start getting quiet. I have tried to make a few posts but they all end up being rants. I don't want the blog to devolve into that. My baby is also getting to that age where she's a lot of fun to play with so I've been devoting most of my free time to her. Don't forget that there are three years worth of posts in the backlog and there's a search box in the sidebar in case you're looking for something specific. Maybe I've covered it already. I'm sure that I'll get in the mood for regular posts again soon. For now, though, I'm just kind of taking a break. I just didn't want you guys thinking that I abandoned the blog or something.


chinasyndrome said…
I get that way from time to time.Enjoy the child recharge your battery's Bro everybody will still be here! Good Lord willing!

I am glad you are okay and enjoying the family!
I noticed my own blog degenerating into a rant fest myself. I want to be more postive and be proactive rather just Doom and Gloom.
I wanted to thank you for all the info on brewing and wine making! I am gathering more equipment and ingredients now to move beyond the kit (Mr. Beer) stage.
Anonymous said…
winter time for me is about gathering and getting ready for spring{learned it from a squirel}seems alot of poeple are stepping back&re-evaluating,purging the old for a new year&season.
Some Guy said…
Enjoy spending time with your child!

I am still working on the Lao silver article - busy with my own family, and work, and I keep rewriting it. :)
Anonymous said…

My name is Jessica Ribeiro an I am the Associate Producer for a new documentary series for the National Geographic channel called Preppers. The goal of the series is to showcase the motivations and strategies for prepping, and to provide a platform for Preppers to share their unique stories.

I came across you blog and was very impressed. I'd love to speak to you in detail about the prepping lifestyle and see if you would like to represent it in our series. The Preppers movement is fascinating and inspirational, and we would love to share such stories and motivations with the rest of the country.

Look forward to hearing from you!


Jessica Ribeiro
Associate Producer
Sharp Entertainment
irishdutchuncle said…
merry Christmas, urban, and family.

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