New Zeal

A couple of months ago I added New Zeal to my blog roll. The guy is doing a great job of exposing people in power who have glaringly obvious communist/socialist backgrounds if you just do a little research on them. His sister site Keywiki is where he catalogs all of his data. You can also check out the Obama files which is a comprehensive list of communist ties that our dear president has. Whether you're "right" or "left" I encourage you to spend a bit of time at least skimming through this guy's website. He always presents a ton of evidence to back up his claims. I'm sure that if you tried hard enough you could discredit a post or two but most of what he says is hard or impossible to refute. Part of preparing is trying to figure out what the future brings. Knowing what's going on in politics has a lot to do with predicting the future of our country. It's very important that we all get engaged and start paying attention. There are a lot of useful idiots and completely corrupt individuals in power out there who, on the surface, seem to have your best interests in mind. Be very careful who you put your support behind. We can't count on the media to vet them. They care more about how amicable they'll be in front of a camera or a mike than what they'll do when they actually get into office.


Jeni G said…'s sick. i trust the media as much as i trust these slick politicians. i'll check out the blog
Anonymous said…
You mean there are people who read this blog who are not devout leftists? Those evil right wingers are everywhere!!
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, survival advice and communist witch hunt all in one blog. I'll stay for the survival but pass on politics thank you.
I avoid politics as much as possible. Every once in a while, though, things just boil over and I can't help myself. I just have to make some comments.
Anonymous said…
Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Finger pointing about people's political ideologies (real or imagined) just makes me cringe. However someone in the media accusing politicians of being a communist gets them ratings and politicians are politicians after all. So everything they say should be taking with a grain of salt. Not trying to start a debate hahahaha I am here for the survival :)
Anonymous said…
Yes, like the anonymous above, I abhor the leftist idiots who are destroying Europe, North America, and Oceania.

If we can ever scour the media, universities, and politics clean of the leftist scum society may have a chance to survive.
Anonymous said…
hahahahaha, troll

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